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Orchard Park High School

The star

Strength, Triumph, Aspirations, Resilience

The STAR at Orchard Park High School is our school provision dedicated to supporting and delivering pastoral care to students with a focus on nurturing mental health and well-being. The dedicated building within the school grounds is managed by Ms Turner, Pastoral Support Manager. The STAR is also the hub for our school counselling service and safeguarding team.  Our wellbeing dogs Paddy and Betty are also in school to support a few days each week. 

“The STAR is a safe place in school that helps support children with tough times they are going through. Thank you to Miss Turner for supporting me through difficult times.”  – Year 8 student

Tutor Group – The STAR tutor group intervention takes place during P0 (tutor time reading) and offers tailored support to students who are experiencing difficult circumstances, barriers in attending school or may be struggling with their morning routine. With STAR support, we can ensure that students are prepared, feel safe and supported. 

“The STAR has helped me attend school each day and I feel more confident when talking to people.”
– Year 8 Student

Need to talk? The STAR runs two ‘drop in’ sessions each day, before school and after school. Students are able to attend the STAR at this time if they would like to talk about how they are feeling. Students are also able to drop their name and concern into the post box outside the STAR and a member of the team will then arrange to meet with them.

“Thank you for helping me when I get upset and believing in me.” – Year 9 student

Social time support – The STAR is a nurturing and safe place for students to attend during break and lunch time. Students can access this provision by being referred to by their head of year. 

“Thank you for being there for us all and for supporting me when I'm feeling anxious.” – Year 7 student 

Referrals to the STAR - If you feel your child may benefit from support from the STAR please contact your child's head or year or email the safeguarding team: