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Orchard Park High School

Friends of Orchard Park

Friends logoThe Friends of OPHS is our parent-teacher association, which aims to raise funds for the enhancement of our children’s experience at the school and to foster closer links between school, home and the local community.

All parents/carers of our students and all our school staff are automatically members of our Friends' association. We also welcome community members who share with us the goal of supporting OPHS to continue to excel and to give our children an excellent education. We encourage all our past students and their families to maintain their close links through community membership of the Friends of OPHS.

The Friends of OPHS are extremely conscious of the ethos and diversity of our school and will be respecting this in how we approach fundraising. For 2024-25, we’re hoping to raise money to support the school with the purchase of outdoor equipment, e.g. canopies for the playground, benches and outdoor games. We have registered with EasyFundraising which gathers donations from brands while you online shop – at no cost to you!  We also now have a JustGiving page so that those who feel able to, can make a direct voluntary contribution.  All your generous support is massively appreciated.

We are also running a no-commitment volunteer group to test ideas and to look for support for our activities. We always need new volunteers and all are welcome – even if you only have a small amount of time available! 

We held our first AGM in the Autumn term of 2024 - thanks to all the parents/carers who joined.  A record of the meeting can be found here.

Please email if you would like to join the committee, have any questions, or have any matters to raise at the AGM.

Please get in touch by emailing and follow us on X (formerly twitter) @FriendsofOPHS and instagram @FriendsofOPHS.

Sign up to our easyfundraising using the button below, or click on the poster!

Flier showing the justgiving and donation links.