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Orchard Park High School

Orchard Park is a kind school

Orchard Park is a kind school - kindness matters graphic

Orchard Park High is a kind school and we place kindness at the heart of all we do.

We teach kindness here because it matters so much to us and our community.

"Kindness is a skill that we can learn over time." – posted May 28, 2021, by Abigail Fagan

Click on the link below to read one of our kindness teaching resources.

Should you see or experience unkindness at Orchard Park, you can report it to a prefect, a member of staff or here on our unkindness tab.

What will happen next?

Once you have let an adult in school know what has happened, it will be passed to the Head of Year and investigated thoroughly. We seek to communicate with all students involved to understand what has taken place, and decide how best to move forward. 

Our intention is always to deal with unkind behaviour sensitively and carefully, with the aim of working together to improve the situation. Where appropriate, sanctions will be given. Every situation has to be considered individually.  

We have a range of support that can be put in place for both students experiencing and engaging in unkind behaviour.