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Orchard Park High School

Booking Our Facilities

To book our facilities, please click on the link below:

Please note: 

  • You need to accept cookies and register beforehand in order to make a booking.
  • All amendments and cancellations can be managed via your School Hire account.
  • We cannot accept any verbal or email enquiries regarding availability, amendments, cancellations or questions regarding bookings.
  • Any queries and communications regarding your booking must be submitted by School Hire message only.
  • Facilities Hire booking requests will come through to the Finance Administrator to review and approve.
  • To make multiple bookings, click on ‘Add Another Session’ and enter the facility, date and times accordingly.
  • Please book at least 48 hours in advance, so there is time to review your booking request (bookings are approved/rejected within 48 hours).
  • For block bookings, a minimum of seven day's notice is required.
  • Any issues or clashes with a Facilities Hire booking request will either be rejected if another slot is not available (with potential alternatives highlighted) or amended to an available time.  You will then either need to rebook into an available slot or if your booking request has been amended, accept the amendment to confirm your booking.
  • To select future dates, click a 'Booking Option' that will bring up the calendar below the page, select the appropriate date(s) for that month, or scroll to the following month(s) using the arrow in the top left-hand corner and select the date required.
  • A minimum of 48 hours advance notice is required for any amendment/cancellation requests.
  • Please note, amendments, cancellations and refunds relating to a Facilities Hire booking cannot be processed after a Facilities Hire has commenced or been completed.
  • Please note, for all refunds the transaction fee (for processing your online booking) will be deducted.