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Orchard Park High School

Year 11 celebrate in style!

The summer term marked the end of Year 11’s journey here at Orchard Park.

As they get ready to embark on their next stage of life, we were delighted to have celebrated with them at their leavers’ assembly. This was a fantastic celebration that was led by some of our Year 11 prefects. They worked extremely hard putting together some amazing performances and awards for the year group. All students got the opportunity to sign shirts, take pictures and say their goodbyes.

Year 11s also had their prom. This was held at Farleigh Golf Course on Thursday 4th July and we loved seeing every one of them there and, may I say, they all looked amazing.

Our Year 11 students had an exceptional attitude to their GCSEs. I was utterly thrilled with their behaviour, commitment and dedication to pushing themselves right to the very end. I have felt incredibly proud to lead this year group through their final school year here.

We wish you all the best and we look forward to hearing how you are getting on in your own individual pathways. We wish you all a well-rested and enjoyable summer.

Ms J Walsh, Head of Year 11