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Orchard Park High School

OPHS sports day 2024

Sports day this year took place on Friday 12th July and was held at Croydon Athletics Arena, a professional 400m, eight-lane track that caters for all disciplines.

On the day, all students were allowed to enter up to three individual events, in addition to the 4x100m relays, that contribute points to the winning tutor group and most importantly, to the winning school house.

Sports day is a day of competition and fun. This was evident from the number of winners’ certificates handed out, the joy of seeing the ice cream truck arrive and the number of students who opted to proudly display their house colours by wearing an accessory or sitting for face paints on the day.

After an exciting day of competition, the winning tutor groups were:

  • Year 7 - Rashford with 475 points
  • Year 8 - Parks with 476 points
  • Year 9 - Parks with 506 points

In terms of the most prestigious award, the house winners, the title goes to Parks with a total of 1383 points. It must also be mentioned that in the students versus staff tug of war competition, the students (with the help of Ms Goodwin) were the victors.

A massive thank you must go out to all the students who participated and the staff who helped make the event possible. A special mention must also go to Year 11 students Serena, Zak and Kadeeshia, who volunteered to give up their own time to help, and dance performers Amalie and Amber in Year 8.

Ms L Hansford, Head of PE