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Orchard Park High School

Spring Showcase is the best ever!

Our spring show was bursting with fantastic performances from students.

On Thursday 23rd May, the music department hosted their annual spring show.

The night was full of fantastic performances by students excited to display what they have been learning this year. Students were playing pieces that they had been learning in music lessons, from lessons with Miss Hall, steel pans and the school band.

Everybody performed with energy and professionalism that created a real buzz for the evening. The evening is also a way for the music department to raise money to buy much needed equipment to continue to provide excellent learning opportunities.

Alongside the performance, students also brought in a huge selection of home baked goods to be sold during the interval. The evening was a huge success and one of the best spring shows so far. With that behind us, we look forward now to the summer show at the end of the school year.