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Orchard Park High School

Governors' attendance

Orchard Park High School Governing Body Attendance 2024-25
Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  10.10.24 05.12.24 06.02.25 20.03.25 08.05.25 26.06.25
Francesca Atherton            
Emma Ayton            
Ed Clements            
Stephanie Coupland            
Trevor Fitzgerald            
Carly Moran            
Kate Mulroney            
Catherine Oknokwo            
Joe Pepper            
John Waggot            
Lisa Young            
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting
Blank No meeting

Orchard Park High School Governing Body Attendance 2023-24
Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  10.10.23 30.11.23 25.01.24 14.03.24 09.05.24 04.07.24
Francesca Atherton P P P C P P
Emma Ayton P P P P P P
Ed Clements P P P P P P
Stephanie Coupland N/A P P P C C
Trevor Fitzgerald P P P P P P
Carly Moran P P P P P P
Kate Mulroney C P A P P P
Catherine Oknokwo C P P P C P
Joe Pepper P P P C P P
John Waggot P P P P P A
Lisa Young A C P P C P
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting
Blank No meeting