Orchard Park Ofsted inspection
Our school received an inspection this week.
As you will be aware, our school received an Ofsted inspection this week.
We were last inspected in 2018. I am unable to confirm the outcome of this week’s inspection with you until the report is officially released.
It went very well, and we are delighted with the feedback. The inspectors looked at various subjects, checked our safeguarding processes, staff workload, support for reading, SEND, careers provision, personal development, behaviour and attitudes and the quality of education. They visited lessons across the two days, met with a range of pupils and staff (chosen by the inspectors) and released surveys. I am so proud of the way our community responded to the inspection. I am particularly pleased that the inspection team noted that all children receive a high quality education, including those with SEND, children consistently produce high quality work across the school, personal development is a strength and behaviour is exemplary. ‘Kind’ came through from various surveys and meeting groups over the two days: we are especially proud of that description.
I will share the full report with you when I am permitted to do so.
For now, my huge appreciation for your support. The staff at Orchard Park are fantastic: they work hard for our students to give them the best school experience possible. In return, our young people are focused, polite, friendly and caring. We are more successful when we have families who share our values. Thank you, everyone, for being brilliant.
Have a great weekend.
Ms C Moran, Headteacher